Quinquennial Surveys

Marwood Surveyors offers a comprehensive range of quinquennial survey services throughout the West Midlands.

The Church of England requires that all churches or property in its care have a Quinquennial Survey carried out by a Chartered Building Surveyor.

A Quinquennial Survey is carried out at least every five years and pertains to the general condition of the church or property owned by the church,  as a whole, it will identify any repairs necessary and also gives an overview of how best to budget for and carry out these repairs based on their urgency.

Our survey reports are written in plain English without using too many technical terms. Where we do need to use these terms, we will always include a definition and a photograph, sketch floor plans are also provided to help reference locations within the properties so that individuals with no knowledge of the property are able to understand the report.

Our Chartered Building Surveyors are happy to work with you to determine the best possible options and solutions in each individual case.

How much does a Quinquennial Survey cost?

Please contact us for a personal quote.