8 High Street,
Sutton Coldfield,
B72 1XA
Complaints Procedure
Complaints Policy
Marwood Surveyors aim to provide all clients with a high quality service. If something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
Complaints Procedure
The person responsible for dealing with your complaint is: Sophie Bullock
It is recommended that you put your complaint in writing to the above named, at the address below. This is to ensure that we fully understand what your complaint is and have a written record of it.
Marwood Surveyors
8 High Street,
Sutton Coldfield,
B72 1XA
Telephone: 0121 661 9210
There are two formal stages to our complaints handling procedure.
Stage One
The first stage of our complaints handling procedure will involve full consideration of your complaint by Sophie Bullock. We will acknowledge your complaint by telephone and in writing within 7 working days. Following that we will consider your complaint as quickly as possible. We will provide you with a full response or, if that is not possible, an update on our progress with your complaint, within a further 28 days.
We will try to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction. If you are happy with the outcome of the investigation into your complaint, the matter will conclude and this will be confirmed in writing.
However, if we cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint then you will have the opportunity to take your complaint to the final stage of our complaints handling procedure-stage two.
Stage Two
When it is clear that agreement cannot be reached, we will write to you explaining that our internal investigation of your complaint has been exhausted and reached deadlock.
At this point if you wish to pursue your complaint further, you should contact:
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution
70 Fleet Street
London EC4Y 1EU
United Kingdom
Telephone:020 7536 6116
Email: applications@cedr.com