Homebuyer Report (Level 2)

The Homebuyer Report is designed to give an overall opinion on the condition of the property and is presented in an easy to understand traffic light style format. Each section of the report gives a condition rating of red, amber or green. Red means the surveyor recommends further action, amber means attention may be required, and green means everything is okay.

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) say that Homebuyer Reports are necessary as they help people to:

  • Make a reasoned and informed judgement on whether or not to proceed with the purchase.
  • Assess whether or not the property is a reasonable purchase at the agreed price.
  • Make clear what decisions and actions should be taken before contracts are exchanged. 

Please click here to read our blog post.

To find out how much a Homebuyer Report would be for you – visit our Quote page.

Marwood Surveyors give you the freedom to choose whether or not you want a valuation with your Homebuyer Report.

This is more cost effective for clients who are taking up a mortgage agreement, and therefore do not require an additional valuation on the property they are purchasing. For more in-depth information about this particular report, please see our blog here.

After providing you with your Homebuyer Report, we will check if you have any further questions. If so, we will then follow-up with a post-survey consultation which allows you to discuss any concerns that you may have about the property, such as its condition or purchase price.

Need a Homebuyer Report (Level 2)?

Our experienced surveyors can provide accurate and reliable Homebuyer Reports.