Help-to-Buy Valuation

If you own a help-to-buy or shared ownership property and wish to sell or assign your shared ownership lease, you will need a RICS approved Help-to-Buy Valuation, and we at Marwood Surveyors, can conduct this for you.

Process of Help-to-Buy Valuation when selling

A help-to-buy valuation is an independent valuation, produced by a suitably qualified RICS registered valuer.

These valuations are undertaken on properties that were purchased through a help-to-buy scheme. These were introduced by the government to support first time home buyers who were trying to purchase their first home.

When we undertake a help to buy valuation, firstly we will visit your home for an initial assessment, recording the accommodation, condition and taking room measurements. The surveyor will then review and analyse properties of a similar type and style within the vicinity (this is called comparable evidence) that have sold, in order to determine the market value of your home.

This valuation will be accurate, professional and can be relied on.

Help to Buy valuations will take no more than 30 – 45 minutes and are generally turned around and dispatched to clients within a few working days.

It is important to be aware that help to buy valuations are only valid for 3 months. After this, an updated desk top valuation has to be prepared and issues alongside the original valuation.

How long is a Help-to-Buy valuation valid for? 

In accordance with RICS and Housing Association requirements, Help-to-Buy Valuations remain valid for a period of 3 months from the date of inspection. After 3 months, a desk-top reappraisal of the valuation can be made. Only one desk-top reappraisal is permitted. After 6 months from the date of this valuation, the property will require to be re-inspected.

Help-to-buy surveyor cost: 

To find out how much this valuation would cost you, please contact us for a personal quote.